America’s Catholic Bishops Get Rich Off Our Broken Borders, by Joseph D’Hippolito

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Kiss of Judas (1304–06), fresco by Giotto, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, Italy

By Joseph D’Hippolito, The Stream, June 12, 2023

Joseph D’Hippolito has written commentaries for such outlets as the Jerusalem Post, the American Thinker and Front Page Magazine. He works as a free-lance writer.


Joseph D'HippolitoAs the immense human tragedy at the nation’s southern border unfolds, an organization claiming to fight for the vulnerable remains stone cold silent.

That organization, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, went ballistic when President Donald Trump tried to build a wall to curtail the trafficking in human lives — especially children — and drugs that accompany the kind of open borders Pope Francis advocates. But since Joe Biden entered the White House, and especially since Title 42 expired, the bishops’ public stance resembles the stillness of Death Valley at midnight.

Why the blatant reversal?

The USCCB and various Catholic agencies exploit Latin American migrants entering illegally to enrich themselves with federal money, and to promote a political agenda that would increase their power and influence at the nation’s expense.

Getting Rich Off the Poor ….