As Conservatives Gather in Washington, Pro-Life Values Rise to Forefront, by Josh Shepherd
October 15, 2019Daily Reading & Meditation: Wednesday (October 16)
October 16, 2019
CNA Daily News, October 14, 2019
Washington D.C., Oct 14, 2019 / 10:30 am (CNA)– It is important to consider what we are willing to die for, Archbishop Charles Chaput reminded students and faculty in a speech at the University of Notre Dame on Friday.
“It’s a good thing, a vital thing, to consider what we’re willing to die for,” Chaput said in a lecture given to the Constitutional Studies Program at the university on Oct. 11.
“To even ask that question is an act of rebellion against a loveless age. And to answer it with conviction is to become a revolutionary; the kind of loving revolutionary who will survive and resist—and someday redeem a late modern West that can no longer imagine anything worth dying for, and thus, in the long run, anything worth living for.”
Chaput said he was moved to consider the question as he prepares for retirement; he turned 75 last month, and in line with canon law submitted his resignation to Pope Francis. ….