Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco celebrates the ‘Mass of the Americas’ using the extraordinary form of the Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., Nov. 16, 2019. (photo: EWTN/YouTube Screen Capture)
The first of the Masses, on Aug. 4, falls on the feast of St. Dominic, and so will be said in the Dominican rite.
By Joe Bukuras, CNA,
SAN FRANCISCO — Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has instituted a monthly Traditional Latin Mass at San Francisco’s Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption, and has been leading the faithful in a Litany of Reparations for abuses against the Eucharist.
The monthly Mass will be held on First Wednesdays at 3 p.m., “an auspicious hour for this Mass, remembering the moment Our Lord Jesus Christ died to save us from sin and death,” said Executive Director of the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Worship and Divine Music, Maggie Gallagher, Aug. 1. …
SOURCE: NYC Fire Wire FaceBook. Kenosha, Wisconsin, another American City being burned to the ground. There are over 50 structures burning with rioters interfering with Fire Operations. There is a statewide mutual aide in effect. Kenosha Fire only has 5 stations. Mutual aide is coming from almost 100 mi away.