‘Let us prepare ourselves for a crescendo of unprecedented provocations: time bombs ready to explode in order to sow disorientation, confusion, and division.’
By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSiteNews, Aug 7, 2023
(LifeSiteNews) — This is the third part of an interview that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò gave to veteran Italian journalist Aldo Maria Valli. LifeSiteNews’ coverage of part one and part two of the interview can be found here and here. Below follows the full text of part three.
Part three: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and Aldo Maria Valli
Valli: Your Excellency, we often say “motus in fine velocior” – “movement is faster towards the end” – about Francis’ attitude aimed at liquefying what little remains of Catholic doctrine and espousing the thought of the world. The most recent news confirms this, including yet another one of his interviews. What is your assessment?
Viganò: World Youth Day, celebrated this year in Lisbon, Portugal, has confirmed the acceleration of Bergoglio’s plan to provoke a schism: his latest appointments, which are provocative to say the least; the statements of the newly-appointed Cardinals, all of which confirm the “Bergoglian revolution”; the presence of James Martin to propagandize the acceptance of LGBTQ ideology by young people; Bergoglio’s recent statement to a transgender person: “God loves us as we are; go ahead” (here). The only thing missing was an interview in which the Argentine “confessed” to an editorial staff of genuflecting and cheering journalists to complete the picture (here). …