Archives: This Dream of St. John Bosco Highlights the Power of the Rosary Over the Devil, by Philip Kosloski

Advent Poses the Question: Is Life Worth Living? by John Zmirak
December 5, 2019
What’s in Your Children’s Vaccines? by Paul Murano
December 5, 2019


By Philip Kosloski, Aleteia, Jan 31, 2019

The sinister snake was no match for a string of Hail Marys.

St. John Bosco was a holy priest whose deep spiritual life led to frequent visions or “dreams,” as he would call them. He wrote about one of them in a letter to his students. The dream occurred on the eve of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in it a stranger came up to him and asked him to look at something on the ground.

He took me to a meadow alongside the playground and pointed to a huge, ugly snake, over twenty feet Iong, coiled in the grass. Frightened, I wanted to run off, but the stranger held me back. “Get closer and take a good look,” he said.

“What?” I gasped. “Don’t you realize that monster could spring on me and
gobble me up in no time?”

“Don’t be afraid! Nothing of the sort will happen. Just come with me.

The stranger went to get a rope and asked St. John Bosco to slap the snake with the rope. ….

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