By Martin Barillas, Church Militant, January 8, 2021
‘Selective indignation is morally offensive’
Bp. Seitz, Abp. Gomez, Cdl. Gregory and Abp. Cordileone
Remember when Bp. Mark J. Seitz of El Paso knelt in prayer while holding a poster honoring Black Lives Matter (BLM), the leftist anti-Christian movement that burned down neighborhoods and assailed public order throughout 2020? Remember the incendiaries who destroyed businesses, robbed and looted while leaving dozens dead? Remember that Pope Francis called Bp. Seitz to thank him for taking a knee in support of BLM?
In the wake of the storming of the U.S. Capitol, America’s Catholic bishops condemned violent protesters, but only when they happened to support President Donald Trump, joining leftists and the media in describing them as a “mob.” For instance: “The gospel itself is a full-throated and stern warning against mob action. If institutions of order and lawful transitions of authority are systematically deconstructed and trampled upon by factional self-interests, it leads to just that, a mob. Let the elected govern,” stated Bp. Daniel Flores of Brownsville, Texas. …