Baton Rouge Priest Killed in a Car Crash Remembered For His Holiness, Passion For Truth, by Jonah McKeown

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Father Mark Beard, pastor of St. Helena Catholic Church in Amite City, Louisiana, died in a car accident Aug. 2, of Baton Rouge

‘My job is to make sure you know the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God…’

A Louisiana priest who was killed in a car accident last Wednesday is being remembered in his home diocese for his commitment to the truth as taught by the Catholic faith as well as his unwavering devotion to the Blessed Mother.

Father Mark Beard, 62, was pastor of St. Helena Catholic Church in Amite City, Louisiana, about an hour northeast of Baton Rouge. Bishop Michael Duca announced Beard’s death on Aug. 2.

During what was to be his final Sunday Mass on July 30, Father Beard preached about not being “on the fence” when it comes to faith in Christ, telling the congregation that “the only thing that matters is your soul.”  ….

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