Be Persecuted Like St. Lawrence, by Thomas Griffin

How to Start a Revival, by Stephen P. White
August 10, 2023
Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: You Are the Christ – the Son of the Living God
August 10, 2023

If being faithful in 2023 means that you are at odds with the world, then how should one proceed? 

By Thomas Griffin, Crisis Magazine, Aug. 10, 2023

Thomas Griffin is the chair of the religion department at a Catholic high school on Long Island where he lives with his wife and two sons. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of Empty Tomb Project: The Magazine.


Thomas GriffinJesus said to His disciples: “If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first” (John 15:18).

Persecution and hostility toward the disciples of Jesus is not a novel reality. When a culture such as ours condemns the very nature of objective truth and the need for God, there is no wonder why faithful Americans can feel as if their way of life is being attacked. If being faithful in 2023 means that you are at odds with the world, then how should one proceed?

Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed…Fires will be kindled to testify that two plus two equals four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.  …

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