Beauty & Wonder Will Help Us to Reclaim Our Supernatural Faith, by Constance T. Hull

Texas Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Abortions When Unborn Baby’s Heart Begins Beating, by Steven Ertelt
May 14, 2021
Catholic Priest: The Blessing of Gay Couples in Germany is ‘Diabolical’
May 14, 2021

By Constance T. Hull, Catholic Exchange, May 13, 2021

Constance T. Hull is a wife, mother, homeschooler, and a graduate with an M.A. in Theology with an emphasis in philosophy. …

For the last two weeks my family and I have been driving across the country visiting family, friends, and making a brief stop for my husband’s work. By the time we get home, we will have gone through thirteen states within these United States. Each state with its own unique character, landscape, and beauty. The crown jewel for me is the state of my childhood: Montana. I now live across the country, but my family still lives in Montana.

Each time we visit Montana, I take my husband and daughter to my favorite mountain spots. My husband has taken up fly-fishing and my daughter fishes when she can catch something. I tend to hike or sit alongside the mountain streams. There is a line from Norman Maclean’s short story, turned movie, A River Runs Through It in which he says: “I am haunted by waters.” I am too. …

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