Catholic Bishop Orders School to Stop Labeling Itself ‘Catholic’ for Flying ‘Gay Pride’ and BLM Flags, by Michael W. Chapman
June 17, 2022Frontline Doctor Simone Gold Sentenced to 60 Days in Prison for Going Inside the Capitol on January 6, by Ashley Sadler
June 17, 2022
Democrats demanding administration ‘step up to the plate’
By Art Moore, World Net Daily, June 16, 2022
Amid demands from his far-left base to take immediate action to “protect abortion rights” in the event the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, President Joe Biden and his staff are considering declaring a public health emergency, according to the New York Times.
The paper said the administration would use an emergency declaration to ensure that physicians who carry out abortions in states where they are not licensed are shielded from legal liability.
Another proposal is that physicians in states that ban abortion conduct the deadly procedure on federal land, such as military bases. …