David Daleiden Files Defamation Suit in NY Federal Court Against PP for Calling Expose’ Videos “Fake”, by Steven Ertelt
September 18, 2020Waiting for the “Spring”, by Stephen P. White
September 19, 2020
By D. Axe, W. Briggs, J. Richards, The Stream, September 18, 2020
Joe Biden, or his handlers, are suggesting that, if elected, he’d implement a nation-wide mask mandate.
He says he’d make the case “with scientists” for every state, every county, every jurisdiction, to create and enforce mandatory mask laws. No scientist should, however, if objectively examining the data, agree with Joe Biden.
If Biden were elected, he would not take office, of course, until January. He therefore assumes masks would still be needed. Yet in most cases, they aren’t needed now, if they ever were. …