Bishop Athanasius Schneider: A New “Synodal Church” Undermines the Catholic Church

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St. Peters Square

By Bishop Athanasius Schneider, The Catholic Thing, June 29, 2023

Athanasius Schneider is the Auxiliary Bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan. He is the author of several books, including Christus Vincit: Christ’s Triumph Over the Darkness of the Age (in conversation with Diane Montagna).

Note: Bishop Schneider sent us this incisive “appeal for prayer and reflection” with the request that it appear today, the Solemnity of the Apostles Saints Peter and Paul. We thought it significant enough to warrant special publication by TCT, which we’re happy to bring to your attention. – Robert Royal


Many questions have arisen about the current “synodal process,” and therefore in order to be of service to Christ’s flock, I would like to address some important points of the Instrumentum Laboris for the October 2023 Session of the Synod on Synodality. This Working Document or Instrumentum appears to undermine the Divine constitution and the Apostolic character of the life and mission of the Catholic Church, substituting for them an invented “synodal church,” inspired predominantly by Protestant, social and anthropocentric categories. Below are several principal areas of concern.

The Divine constitution of the Church is undermined. …

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