Blasphemies Proliferate After Bergoglio’s Declaration on Same-Sex Blessings, by Doug Mainwaring

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WATCH: Fr. Chris Alar: Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception Refuse to Bless Homosexual Unions
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Thomas Polega - @ThomasPolega - In the Catholic Church blessings are for every couple! X/Twitter

By Doug Mainwaring, LifeSite News, December 21, 2023 

An image has appeared on social media that demonstrates how quickly the demonic realm has sought to boast of its new foothold within the Roman Catholic Church, thanks to Pope Francis’ infelicitous messaging in Fiducia Supplicans.

The image, whether intended to by its creator or not, conveys an unsubtle, dark message signifying the ascendency of the power of Pride over the Person of Christ, as if he who fell from heaven like lightning before the dawn of creation is now arrogantly claiming victory.

The image is yet another sign of surrender to Asmodian powers, meant to demoralize believers, steal souls, and sully Christ’s Bride, the Church.

Let’s face it: The powerful global LGBT political movement — a wholly owned subsidiary of woke neo-Marxism in the secular world and within the Church — has seized the day: They understand what the Pope’s garbled message in Fiducia Supplicans means for the future of the Church far better than the Catholic prelatespriests, and theologians serving as his apologists.

Commentator Rod Dreher nailed it in a post on X when Jesuit-run America Magazine took a victory lap in a New York Times ad: “Winning side in intra-Catholic culture war humiliates right-wing Popesplainers.”

“The Jesuits know exactly what they’re doing,” Dreher explained. “Deep down, so do most of those who insist that no, no, the Pope didn’t change anything, just … just read the fine print. They know.”

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