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By Michael J. Matt, Editor, The Remnant, October 31, 2023

New from RTV…

(Rome, October 31, 2023) Michael J. Matt addresses the Rome Life Forum and provides the Rosetta Stone for interpreting what the Synod on Synodality is really all about.

The Synod’s final document punts the discussion of female ordination into 2024, and never even mentions the term “LGBTQ+ people”. Why is this? Is it a victory… or exactly on schedule? This was, they claim, the Synod on SYNODALITY. Which means, of course, that the process of synodal listening and “journeying together in the Spirit” was, in fact, the whole point. The other take away? Everything is on the table still for the 2024 synod meetings next October.

So, how to navigate the next year of synodal pathways and mission? First, you have to understand it, and to do that, Michael explains how the Synod actually dates back to Vatican II, specifically the close of the Council when 40 Council fathers went down into the catacombs and took an oath to destroy the Church of Christ the King and to build the “church of the poor.” How is that working out so far, Eminences?

This is it! This is the foundation stone of the entire Synod.