Marriage & Family

December 16, 2022

On Fatherhood and “Healthy Masculinity”, by Stephen P. White

By Stephen P. White, The Catholic Thing - There are those who treat masculinity as a mere construct, devoid of any essential content. The only purpose of masculinity – not an essential purpose, mind you, but a practical purpose – is to assert power in the interests of some oppressor class. The strong dominate the weak... Then there are those who, often in defiance against the aforementioned claims of toxicity, assert masculinity as a collection of particular physical or psychological traits: physical strength, assertiveness, confidence, discipline, leadership, stoicism, dominance, competitiveness, and so on.
December 14, 2022

Joe Biden’s Disrespect for Marriage, by Tyler Arnold

By Tyler Arnold, EWTN News - President Joe Biden, the nation’s second Catholic president, signed the so-called Respect for Marriage Act into law on Tuesday — marking yet another a step in his political descent into complete rejection of what the Church teaches about the truth and meaning of marriage... The new federal act, which recognizes same-sex marriage for the purpose of any federal law, rule or regulation in which marital status is a factor, states that if two persons are legally married in one state and live in another state, the marriage will continue to be recognized at the federal level and receive federal legal protections ....
December 14, 2022

Arch. Salvatore J.  Cordileone: Congress Dishonors Marriage

By Salvatore J. Cordileone, First Things - The union of husband and wife is unique: Together they make a baby, and their marriage is the best way to ensure that that baby grows up with both mother and father. Marriage is a good thing. Society needs this institution... Until a few years ago, virtually every culture in existence recognized the unique stake society has in affirming these unions. Even cultures that condoned sexual relations outside the bond of marriage—including between people of the same sex—never confused these relations with marriage.
December 14, 2022

The Ruth Institute: American Girl Betrays American Girls

By The Ruth Institute, The Stream - “American Girl, the company known for wholesome dolls representing American history, has clambered aboard the gender bandwagon,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. ...“Parents are reasonably outraged by the company’s new book, A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image, which pushes transgenderism. It’s a betrayal,” she said.

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