Marriage & Family

June 11, 2022

The Pride Movement Has Nothing to Be Proud of, by Casey Chalk

By Casey Chalk, Crisis Magazine - No one can accuse the promoters of Pride Month of subtlety. When you do a Google search about it, your screen blows up in confetti and rainbow flags. There are pride parades in just about every major city in the country. Major brands honor the LGBTQI+ community with special, rainbow-styled promotions... But is there really all that much to be proud of?
June 11, 2022

Repurposing Pride Month to Celebrate the Nuclear Family, by Patricia Anthone 

By Patricia Anthone, America Out Loud - Do the Alphabet Sex People actually need to be stroked for an entire month over a characteristic for which they claim no ‘credit?’.. What if ‘Pride Month’ celebrated the lifestyle choices of people who make consequential, multi-generational contributions to the lives of others? Perhaps, fathers, for instance?
June 11, 2022

Fr. James Martin to Host LGBTQ Conference With ‘Transgenderqueer Two Spirit’ Doctor

By Louis Knuffke, LifeSiteNews - Heretical pro-LGBTQ Father James Martin, SJ, will be hosting a June conference through his newly founded LGBTQ organization “Outreach.”... The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered’ … Under no circumstances can they be approved.”
June 10, 2022

The Illusion of Success, by Randy Hain 

By Randy Hain, Integrated Catholic Life - Our father and mother taught us about faith and the value of hard work. We knew how to be self-sufficient at a young age. Strong values and great life-lessons were instilled in us from my earliest childhood memories. So, is my father successful? By modern standards, a quick glance at his meager savings and lack of material possessions would merit a resounding no.

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