Marriage & Family

June 30, 2018

U.S. Bishop Encourages Married Couples to Be Open to Life, Reject Contraception (Video)

By Lisa Bourne, LifeSiteNews - “We all live in a world where this is difficult, where continence and chastity is scoffed at,” stated Bishop Strickland. “But we know what God has revealed and we joyfully embrace that challenge.”... “Living Christian marriage is hard. It’s painful,” he acknowledged. “There are many sacrifices, but we know that really living Christ’s way is to take up our cross and follow Him, and to see that cross blossom into a staff of new life and hope.”... The sacrifice of Jesus Christ, His Passion and suffering is wondrously powerful, the bishop said, and called for Catholics to tap into that power for their lives.
June 21, 2018

The Second Prophesy of “Humanae Vitae:” A “General Lowering of Moral Standards”

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet, Human Life International - Released in 1968, at the height of the hippie revolution with its optimistic doctrines of “free love” and emancipation from tradition and authority, Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae was widely dismissed as the proverbial killjoy at the greatest party the world had yet seen: the sexual revolution… Blessed Paul VI’s four “prophesies” about what would happen if contraception became normalized…
June 21, 2018

What Practicing NFP is Like: One Man Shares His Thoughts

By Will Wright, Catholic-Link - Marriage is not easy for anyone, because we are human beings with flaws, but I think that the times of abstinence with NFP are an opportunity for greater communication. There are many couples I know who are so focused on the physical that they do not spend enough time on the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of their relationships. Making sure, as a husband, that I am growing in relationship with my wife in these various ways is very important to me...
June 21, 2018

Bishops’ Double Standard

By Bradley Eli, M.Div., Ma.Th., ChurchMilitant - Prelates continually refuse to sanction Catholic pro-abortion politicians as required by Church law. They are, however, pondering the use of such penalties to punish Catholic government officials for enforcing previously established laws regarding illegal immigration... Regarding immigration policies, the Catechism of the Catholic Church in paragraph 2241 affirms, "Political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions."... Faithful Catholics are upset by how most U.S. bishops won't obey Church law when it comes to abortion but are willing to wrongfully apply it on social justice issues like illegal immigration.

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