Marriage & Family

September 28, 2023

Venerable Fulton J. Sheen: Marriage Mirrors God’s Love for Human Nature

By Fulton J. Sheen, Catholic Exchange - In the eyes of the Church, therefore, marriage is a permanent union patterned upon the abiding love of Christ for His Church, and not a terminable pact of selfish passion that endures only as long as the passion endures. By upholding such an ideal, by asking such a guarantee, and by teaching the sacredness of a vow, the Church makes marriage serious. She practically tells the young couple the same thing the sign over the cashier’s desk tells the customer: “Count your change. No mistakes rectified after leaving the window.”
September 28, 2023

California Governor Signs Bills That Would Penalize Schools That Refuse to Teach LGBT Content, by Tyler Arnold

By Tyler Arnold, Catholic World Report - California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed legislation that would reduce funding to schools that restrict LGBT content from their classrooms... The new law, which took effect immediately upon the governor’s signature, grants the state superintendent the authority to reduce a school’s funding if it does not provide “sufficient textbooks or instructional materials” in line with the state’s standards for diversity and inclusion, which includes books available in the school’s library.
September 26, 2023

Contraception Is the Biggest Threat to the Survival of Humanity, Pro-Life Group Warns, by Tom Ciesielka

By Tom Ciesielka, LifeSiteNews - A recent survey ranked the public’s idea of the biggest risks to humanity, listing asteroid strikes, nuclear war, and a super volcano. But the pro-life group Human Life International (HLI) looks at global population statistics and asserts instead that the contraceptive mentality is the biggest threat to the survival of the human race... On September 26, World Contraception Day, HLI looks at the damage contraception has caused to humanity.
September 26, 2023

Tax-Funded Program Pairs Kids With Gay & Trans Adult ‘Mentors’ Online, by Tierin-Rose Mandelburg

By Tierin-Rose Mandelburg, MRCTV - Ah great! Another teacher looking to indoctrinate kids!... Professor Katie Edwards from the Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln created a program for students who are struggling with gender confusion or homosexual inclinations to be matched with adults who suffer from the same delusions as part of a "mentorship" program... she created to pair up gay teens with gay adults for online mentoring sessions using $203,050 from the taxpayer-funded National Institutes of Health.

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