The Brew: Trump-Appointed Judges Carry the Last Few Torches for Freedom, by John Zmirak
July 7, 2023Pope Francis Meets with Bill Clinton and Alex Soros. by Thomas D. Williams
July 7, 2023
By Catholic East Texas, Feb 28, 2023
The role of priests is a well-established, biblical idea that precedes the advent of the Church. In the Book of Exodus, for instance, every family had its own priest, with the father taking on the role for his household. In this ancient understanding of priesthood, to be a priest meant primarily to offer sacrifice. Following the idolatry of the golden calf, the priesthood was restricted to the Levites. But did you know that the Church has restored this broad concept of the priesthood? In fact, the Church teaches us that all of the baptized are priests! But how can that be? We don’t all wear clerics or hear confessions.
What does it mean for us to all be priests? …