Challenging and Changing the Toxic Environment Created by Contraception, by  Monica Seeley 

US is a Top Destination for Child Sex Trafficking, and It’s Happening in Your Community, by Emma Waters
July 26, 2023
Founder’s Quote
July 26, 2023

Julia and Jaime Ibarra and their seven children. (Photo courtesy of the author)

By Monica Seeley, Catholic World Report, July 25, 2023

Monica Seeley writes from Ventura, California.


A conversation with Julia Ibarra, founder of, about women’s faith, health and fertility. 

As a newlywed, Julia Ibarra was more than a little nervous about using Natural Family Planning. She had grown up non-Catholic, with the assumption that the Pill would be part of her married life. Stepping away from that place felt insecure and raised a host of questions for her.

Increasing her anxiety, there seemed to be remarkably few resources for newly married couples to learn about NFP. The sparse page of information the couple was given in a Catholic marriage prep course sparked Ibarra’s curiosity but offered little else. …

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