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By Sheryl Collmer, Crisis Magazine, Dec. 18, 2023

Sheryl Collmer is an independent consultant for several non-profit organizations. She holds a Master’s in Theological Studies from the University of Dallas, as well as an MBA. From her home in the diocese of Tyler, Texas, she studies homesteading, history, and the currents in the Church.

The Latin Mass is an adventure. That’s not what makes it sacred, but it does make it compelling. It’s a secret language waiting to be unlocked.

Sheryl CollmerIf I could only pick one or the other
, I’d have to say I’m a Novus Ordo Catholic. It’s the Mass I’ve attended for most of my 65 years. My early childhood preceded the Novus Ordo, so I had nine years in the Latin Mass, but it was mostly prior to the age of reason.My family moved from a small town to the big city at the precise moment the new Mass was rolled out in the Dallas diocese. Unconsciously, I suppose I’ve associated the Latin Mass with my innocent, protected, stained-glass childhood, a time of wonder and safety and predictability. I had my own virginal white leatherette missal with Latin on the left and English on the right, and I loved following the prayers from the moment I learned to read. Being bilingual at the age of 6 made me proud, and I felt sorry for my Protestant friends who could only worship in one language. ….

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