Msgr. Charles Pope: Reflections on Archbishop Viganò’s Courageous Third Letter
October 22, 2018Robert Royal: A Serious Struggle Starts Today
October 22, 2018
By Emily Ward, CNSNews, October 19, 2018
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó, the cardinal who has written two letters accusing Pope Francis of complicity in the cover-up of sexual abuse by former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, released a third letter on Thursday, Oct. 19, repeating his original claims and calling the pope “gravely responsible” for corruption in the Catholic Church.
Vigano also stressed that the abuse crisis in the church is “due to the plague of homosexuality, in those who practice it” among the clergy.
In the letter, Vigano states, “Pope Francis himself seems either to be conniving with the spread of this corruption or, aware of what he is doing, is gravely responsible because he does not oppose it and does not try to eradicate it.”
His remark referred to what he called attempts by “homosexual bishops who enjoyed the favor of Pope Francis,” including McCarrick, to “protect themselves from justice and strengthen homosexuality in the hierarchy and in the Church in general.”
McCarrick resigned from the College of Cardinals in July after he was credibly accused of sexually abusing both seminarians and a young boy.
Viganó expressed shock at the lack of concern from Church officials toward abuse victims, writing, “it is shocking that, in the midst of so many scandals and outrage, there is so little consideration for those who have been victims of sexual predators by those who had been ordained minister[s] of the Gospel.”
Pope Francis. (YouTube)
He also responded to the Oct. 7 letter by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, which called Viganó’s claims “monstrous and unsubstantiated” and accused him of being “in an open and scandalous rebellion” with the Catholic Church.
Viganó argued that Ouellet’s rebuke actually “confirms” some of Viganò’s claims because Ouellet admitted to informing Viganó of McCarrick’s “situation” in 2011.
“Cardinal Ouellet admits to inform[ing] me in writing [about] conditions and restrictions imposed on McCarrick by Pope Benedict,” Viganò wrote.
Viganò also rebutted Ouellet’s claim that “the Holy See was aware only of simple ‘rumors,’ not enough to be able to take disciplinary measures against McCarrick,” stating that the Holy See “was aware of a multiplicity of concrete facts and in possession of proving documents” concerning McCarrick.
He asserted that the allegations against McCarrick were “official correspondence, not gossip from the sacristy.”
Viganò blamed homosexuality for the rampant abuse in the Church, calling it a “scourge.”
“This is a crisis due to the plague of homosexuality, in those who practice it, in its motions, in its resistance to being correct… It is hypocrisy to refuse to admit that this scourge is due to a serious crisis in the spiritual life of the clergy and not to resort to the means to remedy it,” Viganò wrote.
Viganó concluded by urging members of the clergy to speak out about their knowledge of abuse or cover-ups.
“I would like to repeat my appeal to my brother bishops and priests who know that my statements are true and that they are in a position to be able to testify, or have access to documents that can resolve this situation beyond any doubt,” Viganò wrote.
“Trust in Him who told us, ‘the truth will set you free,’” he added.
He justified his own decision to speak out, arguing that continued silence “would have endangered many souls, and would certainly have condemned mine.”
“I do not say that it will be easy to decide between silence and speaking,” Vigano says in closing his letter. “I urge you to consider which choice on your deathbed and in front of the just Judge you will not regret having taken.”