(Conversion of St. Paul) Behind Every Great Soul is Another Great Soul, by M.C. Holbrook
January 25, 2025Saint of the Day for January 27: St. Saint Angela Merici
January 27, 2025
By Complicit Clergy by Staff, January 24, 2025
For the past four years, many Catholics have been perplexed as to why most Catholic bishops have refused to condemn Joe Biden’s heinous anti-Catholic policies. Additionally, these bishops have openly welcomed Biden to receive Holy Communion, in spite of Canon 915 stating Catholics who “obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” It will be of little surprise if Biden goes-down in history as America’s most radical anti-Catholic president.
For those who continue to be astonished by our shepherds’ silence, we may have discovered the answer. Complicit Clergy just completed updating its previous analysis on migration-related federal funding awarded to Catholic non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to include all four years of the Biden administration.
The project involved extracting federal immigration-related transactions from USAspending.gov for the 16 year period between 2009 to 2024. We reviewed all the organizations receiving immigration-related federal assistance, flagging those NGOs affiliated with the Catholic Church. We then determined in which Catholic diocese each of these organization reside. Finally, we loaded this data into Tableau, a software system that helps people explore data insights through intuitive visualizations. …