By Deacon David H. Delaney, Ph.D., Catholic World Report, Aug. 22, 2024
Deacon David H. Delaney, PhD is Director and Senior Fellow at Mother of the Americas Institute. He is incardinated in the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. He is the author of Viri Dignitatem: Personhood, Masculinity, and Fatherhood in the Thought of John Paul II (Emmaus Academic, 2023).
With Generative AI, as with other information-based technologies, we need to realize that too much of a good thing will have negative consequences.
Editor’s note: Part One of this essay can be read here.
The Dangers of AI in Ministry
AI’s development potentially has profound implications for various fields of ministry, where it could serve as a powerful adjunct for evangelization, education, and community building. But does this mean that it should be used in these fields? Not everything that can be done should be done. There are many cases in which there is no room for doubt about technological abilities that should never be employed, such as abortion, IVF, so-called sex change surgeries, human embryonic stem cell research, etc. There are areas in which the technology itself may not be intrinsically evil, but its application has mostly negative potential, such as nuclear weapons technology, chemical weapons technology, and human cloning.
However, there are many technologies in which the prudence of particular applications is not so clear because the benefits are potentially great but the potential for catastrophic and widespread abuse is also high. Artificial intelligence is one of these. …
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