Deacon Mike Manno: Live Your Baptism With Your Vote

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WATCH! ‘The 1916 Project’ Exposes Planned Parenthood’s 100-Year-Plus Sordid Agenda, by Patty Knap 
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Infant Baptism. Julia Michelle, Unsplash. Vote. Allison Saeng. Unsplash

By Deacon Mike Manno, The Wanderer, October 19, 2024

We’re about two weeks from the election, as this column is delivered, and after watching all the campaign ads, there is something very bothersome that is playing out. It is the preoccupation of Democrats and their candidates that the most important issue on the ballot is the right of a woman to play in Satan’s playground and to rip her unborn child limb-from-limb.

Besides “Trump is a Nazi,” that seems to be their entire message to voters this year. And what mystifies me most is that the argument seems to be catching on. Now granted, I do not live in one of the seven swing states that are presumed to decide the presidency, but I do live in a state where the Democrats, abortion and all, are making a concentrated effort to capture the legislature. …

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