Dec. 1: National Day of Repentance as SCOTUS Hears Challenge to MS Pro-Life Law, by Michael W. Chapman

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By Michael W. Chapman, CNS News, November 15, 2021

(CNS News) — On Dec. 1, the day the U.S. Supreme Court hears opening arguments in a challenge to a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks, the Justice Foundation and numerous other pro-life and pro-family organizations will hold a national and international day of repentance to atone for the sins of abortion, immorality, and the removal of prayer from the public schools.

“As our nation looks on at the proceedings at the Supreme Court and the landmark abortion case of Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health, unity among those who advocate for life is at an all-time high,” states the National Day of Repentence website. …

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