Dems’ Deceptive Legislation Name Game, by Thomas Gallatin

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August 19, 2022
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By Thomas Gallatin, Patriot Post, Aug. 19, 2022

Democrats have a long history of lying to the American people via their dubiously named pieces of legislation.

What’s in a name? Well, when it comes from Democrat lawmakers, the answer would be everything, or nothing. Everything, in that the names Democrats affix to their significant pieces of legislation are designed to sell them to the American people, and nothing when it comes to what’s actually in these bills related to the name.

Like a slick, fast-talking used car salesman, Democrats name their bills in order to deceive rather than inform the American public as to what their legislation actually does. The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act is just the latest example, albeit one of the more egregious, of the Democrats’ name game.

The bill is essentially a slimmed down version of Joe Biden’s Build Back Better tax-and-spend boondoggle.  …

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