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By Mary Cuff, Crisis Magazine, April 6, 2022

Mary Cuff is an independent scholar, wife, and homeschooling mother. She holds a PhD in American literature from the Catholic University of America and has published in the Southern Literary Journal, Five Points, Mississippi Quarterly, and Modern Age. She teaches online high school classical rhetoric courses at Homeschool Connections.


Disney has officially declared itself a woke leader, vowing to fight Florida’s newly-minted Parental Rights in Education Law while advancing the rainbow agenda to the youngest of its viewers. The past few weeks have shown Disney’s wokeness in startlingly clear detail: top execs are promising that 50 percent of its characters will be racial or gender minorities by the end of 2022; there will be a gay kiss in a Buzz Lightyear spin-off; its theme parks have removed “gendered language”; and internal company meetings discuss how Disney is committed to reprogramming young children’s concept of what is “normal.”

However, Disney declaring itself the Wokest Place on Earth should come as no surprise to anyone. ….

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