By Peter Laffin, National Catholic Register, August 16, 2024
Peter Laffin is a staff writer for the National Catholic Register and a contributor at the Washington Examiner. His work has appeared in The Catholic Herald, The Catholic Thing, and RealClearPolitics
COMMENTARY: Will Kamala Harris’ platform be framed as a move to the middle or as an appeal to the progressive base?
In one sense, viewers of (this) week’s Democratic National Convention know exactly what to expect. Modern-day nominating conventions are essentially long television commercials. They aren’t meant to make you think hard — did anybody catch Hulk Hogan’s shirt-ripping routine at the Republican National Convention last month? They are meant to project unity and enthusiasm for the candidate while casting the widest possible net for electoral gain.
There will be standing ovations and sloganeering; there will be balloons. …