‘Among the protagonists of this process are to me a little too many defenders of gay marriage, folks who don’t really think abortion is a problem and never really show themselves defenders of the Church’s rich creed, wanting above all to be liked by their secular surroundings.’
By Maike Hickson, LifeSiteNews, Nov 8, 2022
(LifeSiteNews) – Bishop Robert Mutsaerts, the auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of ’s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, has published a statement on his blog, commenting on the Synod on Synodality, especially its October 27 new working document “For a synodal Church: communio, participatio, mission,” which is calling for a female diaconate and uses the language of the LGBT agenda. He announced that he has left the synodal process.
In his statement (see full translation below, as kindly provided to LifeSite by Fr. Cor Mennen), Bishop Mutsaerts called this synodal process “vile.”
He states “God is out of the picture in this vile synodal process,” adding that “the Holy Spirit has absolutely nothing to do with it.” He went on to say: …