By Leila Miller, Crisis Magazine, Aug. 19, 2024
Leila Miller is a wife, mother, grandmother, writer. Her books include Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak; Raising Chaste Catholic Men; Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues; and Impossible Marriages Redeemed. She resides in Phoenix, and blogs at and also has a YouTube channel.
When a politician calls for unity, it’s important to remember that we don’t all want the same thing for our country.
“But we don’t all want the same things, do we?”
Over a decade ago, I read these words from Professor J. Budziszewski, an atheist-turned-Catholic, in his incredible book What We Can’t Not Know. The sentence struck me profoundly, and I occasionally recall his words as we trudge through the long-standing and now accelerating culture war—a war that may well bring down our nation but which many citizens claim doesn’t even exist.
But the war does exist, and it exists as a clash between those who acknowledge the natural law (the universal moral law of God that is binding on all men) and those who reject it. Those who love the True God, and those who hate or ignore Him. …