The philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre once described humans as “dependent, rational animals,” arguing in his text that, as creatures, we need the virtues. This makes sense, because none of us is really “independent” or “self-sufficient.” Each of us is imperfect. We need others to complete and support us. They need us for the same reason. In the biblical worldview, this isn’t an accident. It’s a matter of God’s design. The virtues shape us in moral maturity and give us the ability to live fruitfully in community . . . all of which I remembered this past week when I received the following note from a veteran priest friend:


I’ve been reading your thoughts in True Confessions to great profit. One of the book’s underlying themes is that we’ve moved into a time when the energies that enliven the Church are outside the normal parish and diocesan structures. It will be that way for the next twenty years at least, as those structures weaken. …

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