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September 17, 2018Archbishop Chaput: When We Forget Faith, We Forget Our Humanity
September 17, 2018
By Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow, September 17, 2018
A magazine that targets teen girls is trying to sell the idea that abortion is cool.
Teen Vogue has launched a campaign to encourage teenagers who have had an abortion to share their stories, but only those with a positive spin. Matt Lamb of Students for Life tells OneNewsNow it is an approach designed to promote promiscuity and terminating pre-born children.
“As we know, people grow up to regret their abortion, and so I do feel bad for anyone who feels like this is really something they want to shout and share,” he comments. “We do know that most people will end up regretting their abortion.”
A number of studies indicate the psychological impact abortion has sometimes does not surface for up to ten years. There is also a link to cancer for women or girls who abort their first pregnancy. So Lamb suggests this is another effort by Teen Vogue to normalize abortion among young people.
“I 100 percent believe the idea is to make abortion seem cool so that other teenagers and other young adults will want to have an abortion,” the pro-lifer continues.
He points out that Teen Vogue is owned and operated by adults who are attempting to misuse their influence because children do listen to and respond to their peers.