By Ben Johnson, LifeNews, Feb 17, 2024
LifeNews Note: Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.
In March 2022, members of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) uncovered a box containing the remains of 115 aborted babies outside the Washington Surgi-Clinic, an abortion business operated in the District of Columbia by Dr. Cesare Santangelo. Five of those babies — known as the “D.C. Five” — appeared to have been nearly full-term and to have either suffered partial-birth abortion or to have been delivered alive and killed outside the womb. “Pulling these broken bodies from that box was the most viscerally heartbreaking experience that I have ever had,” said Terrisa Bukovinac of PAAU at a press conference on Wednesday. Advocates named the aborted babies Harriet, Holly, Christopher X, Phoenix, and Angel. Their recovery proved that “five babies were murdered in the nation’s capital, and their murderer continues,” she said. ….
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