Bishop Joseph E. Strickland: The Call to Personal Holiness
February 17, 2022The Great Pushback, by Paul Murano
February 17, 2022
Fr. John Hollowell made a plea, that if it be God’s will, he would happily suffer on behalf of the already suffering souls of the victims, and he was later diagnosed with a brain tumor.
By Jack Bingham, LifeSiteNews, Feb 16, 2022
BRAZIL, Indiana (LifeSiteNews) — In response to the ongoing sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, Fr. John Hollowell asked for and received an incredible penance so he could suffer alongside victims.
In a video produced by LifeSiteNews, Fr. Hollowell discusses how after the “Summer of Shame” in 2018, which exposed high-ranking clergyman like Theodore McCarrick as both abusers and colluders in the cover-up of abuse, he asked and received from God an incredible penance to offer in reparation to all victims of clerical abuse. …