The recent document Fiducia Supplicans signed off by Pope Francis is probably the most disastrous piece of work in what will be seen as the worst papacy in the 20th-21st centuries.

My comments here have nothing to do with the issue of same sex attraction. I have no opinion on those matters other than the teaching of Sacred Scripture, Natural Law and the perennial teaching of the magisterium of the Catholic Church.

Nor do I have much to say about the document itself. I encourage folks to read it for themselves. It is here.

What interests and concerns me is the totally hamfisted, incompetent, naive and blind handling of this topic. What on earth was Cardinal Fernandez thinking? That this would be hailed as a constructive, radical contribution to the debate on the pastoral handling of issues in human sexuality? Is it possible that a man of his position could be so blind to how this would be perceived and received? ….

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