With Nation Aflame, Trump Campaign Eyes ‘Comeback’ Theme, by Chad Groening, Billy Davis
June 9, 2020Daily Reading & Meditation: Tuesday (June 9)
June 9, 2020
By Fr. Ed Broom, Catholic Exchange, OMV, June 9, 2020
How much time and energy is exerted in obtaining a degree from some prestigious University? How much blood, sweat and tears are expended to win a trophy from some sporting event? What amount of time and energy can even be consumed in preparing for a surprise birthday party?
If we can expend so much time, money, emotional and physical energy for such natural pursuits, should we not at least expend more of our time and energy in what is the greatest of all arts, “The art of all arts” and that is learning the Practice of Prayer?
St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church, calls prayer the key to salvation and following are five short, clear and concrete steps we can undertake to improve our personal prayer life, grow in holiness, be a source of holiness to many others and experience a nearly constant peace and overflowing joy! ….