Fr. Mike Schmitz: Getting Involved in Parish Life (Video)

The Pro-Abortion Prof, the Pagan Gods, and How Hard It Can Be to Tell the Difference
February 25, 2019
Daily Reading & Meditation: Tuesday (February 26)
February 26, 2019

By Fr. Mike Schmitz, Ascension Press, Feb. 20, 2019

The value of a new parishioner introducing him or herself to parish life and just asking the priest, “How can I help?” is priceless.

When entering a new community, we may have all of these ideas about what we can do to help, but to listen and simply tell the leaders that you are available shows humility and understanding.

Fr. Mike knows firsthand about all of the different types of parishioners who are on fire for the Faith, and want to do something to enrich parish life. The ones who end up helping the most are those who in essence say, “I am your servant. Tell me what I can do for you.”