Fr. Mike Schmitz: The Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Video)

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Today’s Holy Day Explained: The Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Did you know that Mary actually did know her child would save the world? In fact, she was saved around forty-seven years before Jesus died. Fr. Mike Schmitz simplifies the complex theology behind the Immaculate Conception in this video. Using a clever analogy or two, he demonstrates how Scripture alludes to the fact that Mary was immaculately conceived, and he explains why this solemnity is so important to the Church.

If you like this video, you may also like Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother (, Ascension Presents … Fr. Mike Schmitz (, and “Hail, Full of Grace” ( with Dr. Edward Sri. MORE FROM ASCENSION: Ascension Press main website: Ascension Presents website: Ascension Press YouTube channel: