Fr. Nnamdi Moneme: Our Calling To Give Until It Hurts

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Photo by Cdoncel on Unsplash

By  Fr. Nnamdi Moneme, OMV, Catholic Exchange, July 11, 2023

Fr. Nnamdi Moneme OMV is a Roman Catholic Priest of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary currently on missionary assignment in the Philippines. He serves in the Congregations’ Retreat Ministry and in the House of Formation for novices and theologians in Antipolo, Philippines.


“Let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace for timely help.”

I arrived at a convent of the Missionaries of Charity sisters to teach for a few days. It was my first time there. I was tired and slightly frustrated after the many hours of travel in Manila traffic and losing my way several times because of the many wrong directions I received on my way there. On entering the convent, I saw a plaque with a quote from St. Teresa of Calcutta, “Give until it hurts.” I felt that this saint was listening to my disturbed heart then and asking me to continue to serve despite all the pains and discomforts of life.

How can we give until it hurts? How can we serve God and others when it is painful to do so? Is this saint asking us to do the impossible? Is Jesus asking us for too much when He says that we must freely choose to be slaves? “Whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.” …

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