When a group of activist U.S. Supreme Court Justices unilaterally legalized the killing of preborn children nationwide in 1973, they didn’t choose to release their decision in late January, during winter, as a challenge to test the resolve of pro-life activists.
Presumably, the Justices thought that their decision (7-2), while likely to be greeted with some controversy, would quickly become the settled law of the land. Likely, they did not expect that dauntless pro-life activists would rise to the challenge, organizing annual protests to mark the day of infamy, January 22.
Most probably, they had no inkling that growing crowds of hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists would brave the worst wintry weather that Washington D.C. can dole out, year after year after year, until they succeeded in eradicating Roe as the law of the land. …
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