Fr. Shenan J. Boquet: We Need God: Riots Erupt when Faith Dwindles

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Fr. Shenan J. Boquet, Human Life International, September 7, 2020

This loss of the sense of faith is the deep root of the crisis of civilization that we are experiencing. As in the first centuries of Christianity, when the Roman Empire was collapsing, all human institutions today seem to be on the path of decadence. Relations between people, whether political, social, economic, or cultural, are becoming difficult. In losing the sense of God, we have undermined the foundation of all human civilization and opened the door to totalitarian barbarity.

           ─ Cardinal Robert Sarah, The Day is Now Far Spent

A recent poll found that 62% of Americans have political views that they are afraid to express publicly because others might find them “offensive.” This is up from 58% in 2017. This poll adds to a growing body of evidence confirming what many of us began to suspect years ago – that civil discourse is breaking down.

People, it seems, are growing ever further apart. In many cases, conversation based upon common shared principles, and a basic sense of respect for the other, is no longer possible, or even desired. Respectful conversation is instead replaced with blind ideological dogmatism, a priori vilification of those with whom one disagrees, and – increasingly – violence. ….

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