FRANCIS FATIGUE: Even Argentina’s Had Enough, by Michael J. Matt

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By Michael J. Matt, Editor, The Remnant, November 26, 2023

In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt takes on critics who charge Traditional Catholics with being no better than Martin Luther for resisting Pope Francis.

Do they have a point? Francis Fatigue is not reserved for Traditionalists, however. Catholic Argentina — the pope’s home country — just elected a president who is probably Pope Francis’s most outspoken critic in the world today. And he won his election with a Latin Mass Catholic as his running mate.

But it doesn’t stop there. Trouble is reportedly brewing between the Vatican and the US Catholic Bishops Conference. Vatican nuncio, Cardinal Christophe Pierre, accuses the American bishops of dragging their feet on Synodality and the spirit of the Catacombs Pact.

Meanwhile, as Francis invites a busload of transexuals to have lunch with him in the Vatican, critics, including political commentator Dinesh D’Souza, accuses the Pontiff of confirming sinners in their lifestyle, rather than calling them to convert.

Is the Francis Revolution finally coming to an end?

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