Francis the Luddite, by Michael Warren Davis

Fr. Roger Landry: St. Joseph is the Great Exemplar of Lenten Virtues
March 4, 2020
We Go From Hysteria to Hysteria, by Dennis Prager
March 4, 2020

By Michael Warren Davis, editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine, March 4, 2020

Michael Warren Davis is the editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine.

Michael Warren DavisWhen the late William F. Buckley
 set out to find a religion editor for National Review, he was careful to choose a Protestant. Though a Catholic himself, Buckley feared that his magazine—by then, already the flaghship of American conservatism—was becoming “too Catholic.” Eventually, he settled on a bombastic Lutheran minister named Richard John Neuhaus. Alas for Buckley: shortly after taking his post, the Rev. Mr. Neuhaus joined the Catholic Church. A year later, he became a Father.

The American conservative movement has always been distinctly Catholic, much to the embarrassment of many conservatives—and many Catholics, for that matter. Of course, this doesn’t include Crisis Magazine. Along with our publisher, Sophia Institute Press, we were the only Catholic apostolate among the sponsoring organizations of CPAC 2020.  ….

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