Gender Dysphoria, Gender Stereotypes, and Church Tradition, by Teresa Hodgins

The Genesis of the Novus Ordo and “Theological and Spiritual Flaws” of the TLM, by Janet E. Smith
February 20, 2023
‘This Mass Is Offered for the Repose of the Soul of. . .’  by John M. Grondelski
February 20, 2023

By Teresa Hodgins, Catholic Exchange, Feb. 17, 2023

Teresa Hodgins calls Indianapolis, Indiana home base for many adventures with her husband and three young children. In her spare time, she serves as a host, writer and occasional project manager for Endow. …


At times, it can be tempting to just ignore the differences between men and women. Why does gender really matter, if women are in the workplace and men are co-parenting with style? Wouldn’t it be easier for everyone in this transgender debate if we just stop caring so much about gender in the first place?

Yet, even as we consider these questions, something within us cries out against this simplification. We may not be able to say what it is that makes a woman to be a woman, or a man to be a man, but we know that the two are different. We know that this difference matters, even if we are hesitant to pinpoint any particular thing that differentiates the sexes. …

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