Good Pruning Can Bring Good Fruit, by Russell Shaw

Republican Legislator: If They Really Want Control Over Their Bodies, They Should “Practice Abstinence”, by Micaiah Bilger 
July 13, 2023
The Ruth Institute: Family Is the Foundation of Freedom
July 13, 2023

James Tissot (1836-1902), “Jesus and the Fig Tree” (photo: Public Domain)

For the synodal process to be a success, certain things are necessary.

Russell ShawBack when the Synod on Synodality was only an item on Pope Francis’ to-do list, I wrote a column saying conservative Catholics like myself should get on board the pre-synodal bandwagon instead of standing on the sidelines making negative comments. Otherwise, I said, the Synod on Synodality could fall into liberal hands.

With the first assembly of the synod fast approaching in October, that is still a matter of concern. But however that may be, for the longer pull, it remains reasonable to hope that clear thinking will make a difference as the Church struggles to assimilate synodality into its decision-making process. I offer what follows with that hope in view. …