Grace Force Podcast: Fr. James Altman-Exorcising the Great Reset WATCH

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By Fr. Richard Heilman, US Grace Force, November 19, 2020

Fr. James Altman has become a social media phenomenon and is now a main stream media story. Why? On August 30, Fr. Altman posted a ten minute video (HERE) that held nothing back in calling out the evils in our culture and our Church. You could almost hear a collective “sigh of relief” as those who have been yearning for this kind of bold truth from our clerics rushed to show their appreciation for Fr. Altman’s courage. To date, the ten minute video has over 1.1 million views.

On this episode of the Grace Force Podcast, we interviewed Fr. Altman on the “Great Reset.” Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote an open letter to President Trump before the election warning that he was the ‘final garrison against the world dictatorship.’ In the open letter, Abp. Viganò, the Vatican’s former ambassador to the United States, takes aim at a nefarious plot, writing,

“A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations.”

Fr. Altman has made it his personal endeavor, over 40 years, to research everything he can find in regard to this global elite cabal. Please listen to this amazing episode that unveils their nefarious plots, and looks to what we can do to “Exorcise the Great Reset.”

Please WATCH & SHARE!!

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