An Examination of Archbishop Fernández’s Erroneous Positions on Sexual Morality, by E. Christian Brugger
August 4, 2023Good News: 1776 Curriculum Is Taking Off, by Brian Mark Weber
August 4, 2023
By Ron Helle, Patriot Post, Aug. 4, 2023
Unfortunately, there isn’t much heat being generated in the Church these days.
“You’re being followed.” I had just walked into the foyer of the gym Lynne and I recently joined. The guy at the check-in counter alerted me. I turned around and there was a buzzard sitting on the sidewalk outside the window next to the door looking in. Every few seconds, he would peck at the window.
I used to be concerned when the buzzards would circle overhead when I was out running, but having them follow me to the gym was a new twist. …