By Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews, May 12, 2020
WASHINGTON, DC – Father Frank Pavone believes the choice is clear in the upcoming presidential election.
The leader of Priests for Life, Pavone said President Donald Trump and his Democratic contender, likely Joe Biden, could not be “more diametrically opposed” on issues of “public virtue,” according to Breitbart.
Pavone made a case for the president in a forward for a new book, “A Catholic Vote for Trump” by Jesse Romero and John McCullough.
“The election is not about private virtue; it is about public virtue,” Pavone wrote. “Pro-abortion Democrats try to make us focus on what they believe in private about abortion, as an excuse for us to ignore the public policies they create that make it continue. Let’s not make the same mistake in reverse.”
Pavone said Trump has been true to his promises to defend the right to life for unborn babies and protect religious freedom. …
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