Canceling conservatives is not silencing or cowing them. It is driving Christians to consider the connections between their faith and their money and jobs.
By Elise Crapuchettes, The Federalist, Nov. 9, 2021
Elise Crapuchettes teaches Bible at a classical Christian school and is the author of “Popes and Feminists.” She earned a B.A. from Baylor University and a JD/MTS from Duke University. She and her husband live in Moscow, Idaho, with their five children.
“You may be a CEO who is a Christian, but not a Christian CEO.” These are the words that I believe eventually led to my husband’s departure from his company.
He had run a successful tech company for more than a decade, and 2020 was the most profitable year yet. However, identity politics led the company to value cultural compliance over performance. Like many other Christians, Andrew lost his position instead of his faith. We had prayed for God to deliver us and save us from losing the job and the many years we had invested, but he did not.
Within a few months of leaving the company, Andrew started a job board. He had been studying labor market data and seeing the pending labor shortage. This combined with the overwhelming woke culture dominating corporate America made a job board an obvious and strategic place to start the fight. He wanted those who value freedom of speech to be able to work with like-minded employers and colleagues rather than keeping their heads down and hoping they would not run afoul of their HR departments. …